AV has always loved animals, fascinated with their appearance, behaviors and natural abilities. At a very early age, Alex, having dogs of his own, quickly discovered the very special bond that dogs are able to develop with humans. Just like the first wolf that approached the campfire and ate from a human hand, the modern dog shares this ability to form an unbreakable, lifelong bond with humans.
With over 17 years experience, the AV Team has successfully trained over 5,000 dogs. AV’s training methods are based on pack theory, conditioning and behavior reinforcement. Our trainer excels in behavior modification through the use of commands and obedience drills.
We strictly maintain a kind, gentle practice with all our dogs. Regardless of a dog’s breed or background, our goal is to always promote positive relationships between humans and their four-legged best friends.
Meet our pack
At AV Dog Training, our pack specializes in obedience and behavioral training with an emphasis on owner education. Our team upholds the most professional service while spreading a message of love and understanding between owners and their pups!